All About Me
Landscape and environment
Technological device for cleaning of atmospheric pollution.
MEGAFLOR uses a completely made in Italy hitech fabric to absorb the large part of pollution substances in critical area
New landscape strategies for the urban application of innovative wind technologies
Icon Design
International competition an eco - sustainable Feng Shui Mono - family Villa in Caserta Italy
Quartiere affari S.Donato Milanese Italy
Building has been one of the first to integrate sustainable passive solar system in architectural design.
Design Villa
Interior Design
Feng Shui
Interior Design
Spa pool Feng Shui Interior Design
Luigi Bertazzoni and Paolo Giacomo Vasino have studied at Politecnico of Milan, graduating respectively in 1986 - 1987
After some experiences in Berlin, London and Zurich ( project as museums, hotels, commercial, complexes public spaces) they founded in the year 1991
"Alter Studio Architetti"
They have got various awards by posticipating in the international architectural competitors.
In 2012 Alter Studio won the Globe Energy Award.
Luigi Bertazzoni is the autor of several books "Feng Shui per progettisti" "Navigare sulla carta bianca", Modelli e Prospettive, Hoepli
After Studio have founded L:A:E the whole project competences (geologist, enginering, elettricla, mechanical, data, bhotanical, energy)
to be able manage every scale of intervention with extreme flexibility.
Headquartes North West Italy
Via Fumagalli, 6
20143 Milano
ph +39 02 92853039
Headquartes North Est Italy
Via Gloria,15
25030 Rubano - Padova
ph +39 328 9840351